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Zynga Inc. - Home | Facebook Zynga Inc. 3,411,279 likes · 995 talking about this. Welcome to the OFFICIAL Zynga fan page! Zynga Poker — Zynga Poker Player forums for Zynga Poker. Howdy, Stranger! It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Zynga Poker - Wikipedia Zynga Poker is a social game developed by Zynga as an application for the social-networking website Facebook as well as Android, iPhone, Windows Phone, Windows, MySpace, Tagged, and Google+. It was created and launched in July 2007 by a team consisting of some of the founders of the company including Justin Waldron , Michael Luxton, and Eric ... Zynga Poker – Texas Holdem for PC or Computer Free Download ...
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I used to run the Zynga poker mobile team and early on in my Zynga career I was actually the PM that launched that feature on the mobile versions (iOS, Android). The answer is: no. When we first started debating whether or not to launch this feature, I was strongly against it. Log into Facebook | Facebook Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.