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He founded and served as CEO of Big Six Games, Red 5 Games and Glass Eye ... The lead designer and director of massive titles such as Ultima Online and Star ...... in 2006, he served as a key executive at several top online game companies. ... Al Thomas is an accomplished casino game developer in brick and mortar ...
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The Glass Castle - Houston Independent School District The Glass Castle A Memoir Jeannette Walls SCRIBNER New York London Toronto Sydney Acknowledgments I'd like to thank my brother, Brian, for standing by me when we were growing up and while I wrote this. Game Coding Complete, Fourth Edition: Mike McShaffry ... Game Coding Complete, Fourth Edition [Mike McShaffry, David Graham] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Welcome to Game Coding Complete, Fourth Edition, the newest edition of the essential, hands-on guide to developing commercial-quality games. Written by two veteran game programmers